cerita tentang medan
Apa Yang Menarik dan Harus Dicuba di Medan, Indonesia.
Medan terkenal sebagai tempat perlancongan yang mempunyai tarikan tersendiri menyebabkan pengunjung dari dalam dan luar negara tidak putus dari masa ke semasa terutamanya dari Malaysia. Keistimewaan Kota Medan yang terletak di Sumatera Utara ini menggamit pengunjungnya adalah Danau Toba nya yang indah lagi mendamaikan.bercuti ke medan lake toba
Sejarah Istana maimun
Istana Maimun, terkadang disebut juga Istana Putri Hijau, merupakan istana kebesaran Kerajaan Deli. Istana ini didominasi warna kuning, warna kebesaran kerajaan Melayu. Pembangunan istana selesai pada 25 Agustus 1888 M, di masa kekuasaan Sultan Makmun al-Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah. Sultan Makmun adalah putra sulung Sultan Mahmud Perkasa Alam, pendiri kota Medan.
Sejak tahun 1946, Istana ini dihuni oleh para ahli waris Kesultanan Deli. Dalam waktu-waktu tertentu, di istana ini sering diadakan pertunjukan musik tradisional Melayu. Biasanya, pertunjukan-pertunjukan tersebut dihelat dalam rangka memeriahkan pesta perkawinan dan kegiatan sukacita lainnya. Selain itu, dua kali dalam setahun, Sultan Deli biasanya mengadakan acara silaturahmi antar keluarga besar istana. Pada setiap malam Jumat, para keluarga sultan mengadakan acara rawatib adat (semacam wiridan keluarga).
Assalamualaikum semuanya. We are an organization that provides tour services around Medan, Berastagi and Lake Toba. We are a direct organization from Medan, Indonesia. There are no agents to make sure you get the best price. Our packages are flexible depending on your request such as the duration of the vacation and the location you want to go to. Our packages usually include food (breakfast at hotel, lunch and dinner) throughout the tour, transport facilities, hotels and travelers who are knowledgeable about the surrounding history. Fi and parking fees charged in tourist areas are also under our responsibility. For your knowledge, there are very many restrictions on fees by locals. So you do not have to worry about the unwanted cost. We provide a tentative journey that is unique to each of our guests for the satisfaction and relevance of time. For a tentative trip example, click the link below:
facebook: https: //www.facebook.comHerryCutiBajetMedan1
Call / WhatsApp:
phone = 6281397880156
http: // fume. my / 0134618637
Assalamualaikum semuanya. We are an organization that provides tour services around Medan, Berastagi and Lake Toba. We are a direct organization from Medan, Indonesia. There are no agents to make sure you get the best price. Our packages are flexible depending on your request such as the duration of the vacation and the location you want to go to. Our packages usually include food (breakfast at hotel, lunch and dinner) throughout the tour, transport facilities, hotels and travelers who are knowledgeable about the surrounding history. Fi and parking fees charged in tourist areas are also under our responsibility. For your knowledge, there are very many restrictions on fees by locals. So you do not have to worry about the unwanted cost. We provide a tentative journey that is unique to each of our guests for the satisfaction and relevance of time. For a tentative trip example, click the link below:
facebook: https: //www.facebook.comHerryCutiBajetMedan1
Call / WhatsApp:
phone = 6281397880156
http: // fume. my / 0134618637
Jangan mau travel sama dia aku hampir diperkosa sama dia.polisi sedang mencari pelaku travel ini
Manusia yg sirik dan tak mampu liat org sukses, ini la org nya. Allah tidak tidur, allah yg akan balas fikna yg kau perbuat ini
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